Picosecond Time Resolved XPS

Time resolved XPS data of the photon induced transition of the 2H to 1T phase of MoS2.
Time resolved XPS data of the photon induced transition of the 2H to 1T phase of MoS2.


In two photon XPS a laser pulse is synchronized with a pulsed x-ray source like in a single bunch synchrotron mode. The laser pulse can excite the material and change the electronic structure in a very short time domain. The correlated x-ray pulse is than used to excite a core electron in order to probe the modified electronic structure. Changing the delay time of the pulses yield useful information of the electronic mechanisms in the original and modified electronic structure.

Alternative(s): time of flight XPS, single bunch synchrotron radiation, coincidence photoelectron spectroscopy and two photon photoemission application-products ARTOF-2, DFS30, DA20 and NanoESCA
